Educators have the most powerful job in the world. As a high school teacher, I am passionate about working with students who are interested in pursuing a career in education. I have also worked as an English teacher. I strive to create authentic learning experiences for students. I also love working with school leaders, teachers, and staff members to create meaningful learning experiences for students. I have helped create community events with local schools, professional learning opportunities for teachers, and secure grants for staff members. As a LFNJ board member, I hope to foster a sense of community and learning for all professionals.
Our vision is to cultivate thriving and effective educational communities through continuous, collaborative learning, guided by principles of equity and inclusivity.
Learning Forward NJ builds the capacity of educators to implement and support professional learning in order to equitably serve all students, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and collaboration.
See how joining our parent organization, Learning Forward affiliate, can expand your learning networks!