
Bobbie Felip

Learning Forward New Jersey, Board of Directors

Considering herself a psychological educator, Bobbie approaches teaching as well as professional learning from a psychological wellness and personal growth perspective first. Including a wide array of teaching experiences in special education and general education as well as gifted and talented/school-wide enrichment, she personally taught learners in all grades and learning levels. A pioneer in teacher leadership before it was formalized, an example being piloting and fostering the inclusion model for her district, and serving as a department supervisor, professional learning coordinator, building leader, and district curriculum, instruction, and assessment director has afforded her a unique perspective of witnessing connections among all students from the youngest to those approaching adulthood and from the least to the most ready at any given time. What she has learned is that if we seek the gifts inside each student and gently nurture those gifts to the surface rather than force our wishes on students, amazing individuals blossom. Bobbie has a future-oriented focus and strives to remain mindful of the needs of current students as we continue toward the second quarter of the twenty-first century. The world is a different place and we need to meet it head on with hopeful eyes. Bobbie has been part of Learning Forward NJ’s executive board since 1995.

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Excellent teaching and learning every day.

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